Correspondências (2016)



145 min


Realização:  ·  Rita Azevedo Gomes

A leitura que Rita Azevedo Gomes faz da correspondência trocada entre Jorge de Sena e Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen.

[Jorge de Sena was forced to leave his country. First he moved to Brazil, and later to the USA. He never returned to Portugal. During his 20-year-long exile, he kept an epistolary correspondence with Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen. These letters are a testimony of the profound friendship between the two poets, letters of longing and of desire to “fill years of distance with hours of conversation”. Through excerpts and verses, a dialog is established, revealing their divergent opinions but mostly their strong bond, and their efforts to preserve it until their last breaths.
[Fonte: Festival de Locarno]
The film was inspired by the letters exchanged between two leading Portuguese poets, Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen and Jorge de Sena, during the exile of the latter(1957-78).
Jorge de Sena was forced to leave Portugal due to political and other circumstances. He moved to Brazil and then to the USA, pursuing an academic career. He would never return to his home country.
The correspondence between the two poets is testimony to their quest for freedom during a period when Portugal’s fascist regime was under increasing pressure. But their letters also offer an insight into the profound affinity between two human beings. Theirs was a rare friendship that both were determined to sustain, unblemished, until death.
Through their poetry and their letters, the film builds a dialogue between longing and belonging, the “desire to fill years of distance with hours of conversation”. At the same time, it establishes correspondences with our own lives, which are fictionalized under the ties and entanglements that hold us together.
[Fonte: C.R.I.M.]

Mais informações: Website externo

Videos [#3]:
  • [Trailer]
  • [Promo]
  • [Promo]

Países [#5]:
  • Portugal (PT)
  • Argentina (ARG)
  • Brasil (BR)
  • França (FR)
  • Grécia (GRC)
Estreias [#3]:
  • 2016-08-04 | Festival de Locarno | Apresentação
  • 2016-10-24 | DocLisboa | Apresentação
  • 2018-03-08 | Coimbra, Lisboa, Porto | Estreia
Imagens [#4]:
  • ...

  • ...

  • ...

Dados Técnicos:
Cor | DCP |

Outras informações:
Festivais e Prémios:
# 2016 - Festival de Cinema de Locarno, Concorso internazionale
# 2016 - DocLisboa, Competição Internacional - Prémio José Saramago, Melhor Documentário
# 2016 - Vienalle - Vienna International Film Festival, Austria
# 2016 - Cineticle Art Cinem, Rússia
# 2016 - Mostra Internacional de Cinema de São Paulo, Brasil
# 2016 - CineBH - International Film Festival Belo Horizonte, Brasil
# 2016 - SEFF - Festival de Cine Europeo de Sevilla, Espanha
# 2016 - Mostra de Cine Europeo de Lanzarote, Espanha
# 2016 - ZiNEBI -The International Festival of Documentary and Shortfilm of Bilbao, Espanha
# 2016 - Festival de Cine de Zaragoza, Espanha
# 2016 - Caminhos do Cinema Português, Coimbra, Portugal - Prémio Melhor Realização
# 2017 - Festival Cinematográfico Internacional del Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguai
# 2017 - D´A Film Festival Barcelona, Espanha
# 2017 - Edinburgh International Film Festival, UK
# 2017 - Filmfest Munique, Alemanha
# 2017 - Festival Lima Independiente, Peru