A Casa Esquecida (2004)
The Forgotten House
Produção 2002
44 min
Realização: · Teresa Garcia
Argumento: · Teresa Garcia · Regina Guimarães
[Ivo and Tomás, two volunteered vagabonds who feed their souls of ways and great winds. From time to time they make a stop, renting their arms, the necessary time to be able to, provisions made, get on the road again. Once, with the sun at its peak and a burning heat, the desert that they are crossing seems to be endless. They run out of water… in the end of the day, without any strength left, they let themselves fall near to a dried bush. Ivo stares at the moon rising, as is saying farewell and whispering verses of a poem of a lawyer they’ve met before. It is then that he sees a far light. They set their way to that house…]
Mais informações: Website externo
Argumento: · Regina Guimarães [Diálogos] · Teresa Garcia
Direcção de Fotografia: · Pascal Poucet
Montagem: · Patrícia Saramago · Pierre-Marie Goulet
Música: · Kudsi Erguner
Produção: · Athanor [La Vie est Belle Films] · Animatógrafo II
Realização: · Teresa Garcia
Som: · Francis Bonfanti