Gente Remota (1994)
Remote People
1705 min
Realização: · Cristina Antunes · Carlos Brandão Lucas · Isabel Costa · José Manuel Barata-Feyo
[This series reports on the ethnological aspects of some fascinating countries that we still consider exotic: from Morocco to India, from Gabon to Japan.
"Remote People" approaches the Portuguese doiscoveries from a Cultural-Anthropological point of view.
This series deals with Man and the Blending of the different cultures. The 15th and 16th century Portuguese Discoveries revealed important geographical knowledge. However, over and above the diversities of climates and Lands, the diversity of Man was revealed.
Deciphering the behaviour and functional codes of that era makes us contemporaries and helps us to understand our own present conventional and ritualistic world.
The differences between men were revealed at all levels: traditions, beliefs, politics, etc., which was what made the Portuguese Discoveries so important, particularly from the Anthropological point of view, becoming an excellent introduction to the study of Man and the different cultures.
There are many accounts, chronicles, letters and documents remaining, important to the history of Cultural diversity. The purpose of these reports is to follow some of those journeys into the past, and with the help of the information provided, relive that history with today's knowledge of the present world.
The diversity of Man shown in its (sometimes primeval) habits, customs, religions, etc.
1 - Beyond the Miracle
2 - Empire of Passions
3 - Stories of all courage
4 - Other stories of Cape Verde
5 - Ever unexpected Africa
6 - Legacies of the world
7 - Remembrance of Sidjilmessa
8 - On the horizon of Portugal
9- Bijagós
10 - Felupes: The funeral of Big Mama
11/12 - The Dwarf in the country of trees dances to the tunes of the Gods
13 - Beyond Calicut (Green India)
14 - Recollections of an Empire (Goa, Damão and Diu)
15 - So Close to the Gods (The Great INDIA)
16 - Monotapa: Kingdom of the Gold.
17 - The Shonas
18 - BAFFIN Island - INUIT Esquimos: Mall Temptations
19 - TERRA NOVA - NewFoundland: Old Land
20 - PANTANAL: Colors and Sounds
21 - BAHIA: What is it the Bahiana has?
22 - AMAZON RIVER: There is people on the margins.
23 - Facing the Pacific
24 - EASTER Island
25 - Over the Channel
26 - In this Monarchy of the World (I)
27 - In this Monarchy of the World (II)
28 - The Eastern End? (I)
29 - The Eastern End ? (II)
30 - Sea, Men and Dreams (I)
31 - Sea, Men and Dreams (II)
[Source: RTC]
Produção: · RTP [Telecinemoro]
Produtor: · José Manuel Barata-Feyo · Carlos Brandão Lucas · Cristina Antunes
Realização: · Carlos Brandão Lucas · Cristina Antunes · José Manuel Barata-Feyo · Isabel Costa
Decifrar os códigos comportamentais e funcionais daquela época tornar-nos-ão não só comtemporâneos desses séculos como também nos ajudará a compreender o mundo moderno, também ele rico de convenções e rituais.
[Fonte: RTP]