O Sapo e a Rapariga (2018)

The Frog and the Girl


18 min


Realização:  ·  Inês Oliveira

A lavandaria está fechada e uma jovem (Rita Cabaço) tem de aprender como se lava a roupa à mão com a sábia Deolinda (Isabel Ruth), que lhe conta uma estranha história de encantar.
[Fonte: IndieLisboa]

[In the traditional story that gave rise to this film, the girl is not a princess, nor does she kiss a frog. The girl is a hard-working, honest washerwoman, albeit she does not seem to care about keeping her promises.
The film is set today. Or at least, it's beginning. The laundromat is closed, and our girl is about to enter a washhouse in the neighborhood of Madragoa, in the heart of Lisbon (do you know what a washhouse is? The girl didn't). A magical place where you wash by hand, where the only existing machine is Time...
"The Frog and the Girl" is part of a series, for kids and adults, that travels the world of traditional Portuguese tales, to cinematographically translate by the hand of different directors, a dozen stories belonging to our common imaginary.]

Mais informações: Website externo

Videos [#1]:
  • [Trailer]

Imagens [#3]:
  • ...

  • ...

Dados Técnicos:
Cor | HD |

Outras informações:
Adaptação da realizadora Inês Oliveira do conto tradicional português O Sapo e a Rapariga
Festivais e Prémios:
# 2018 - IndieLisboa, Indie Júnior