Transmission from the Liberated Zones (2015)
30 min
Realização: · Filipa César
Argumento: · Filipa César · Gi Dias
[Transmission from the Liberated Zones is an experiment departing from the concept of “Liberated Zones,” a designation used to describe areas freed from colonial domination, organized and managed by the guerrilla militants of the PAIGC (Partido Africano da Independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde) in Guinea during the 11-year liberation war between 1963 and ‘74.
The film presents interviews with diplomat Folke Löfgren, filmmaker Lennart Malmer, filmmaker and psychologist Ingela Romare, and politician Birgitta Dahl. These Swedish protagonists all shared experiences in the Liberated Zones, which they visited in the early 1970s. Their statements, combined with documents from the time, are accessed and presented by a boy through a low-fidelity feedback channel – an optical dimension created to move through time and between tepid and tropical encounters.
The boy states that recalling instances of liberation prepares the ground for further recurrences.
(Source: Berlinale 2016)]
Argumento: · Gi Dias · Filipa César
Câmara: · Matthias Biber
Desenho de Produção: · Filipa César
Desenho de Som: · Dídio Pestana
Produção: · Olivier Marboeuf · Spectre Productions
Produtora: · Filipa César
Realização: · Filipa César