Daniel Sousa

Local de nascimento: Cabo Verde
Email: contact@danielsousa.com
Dados adicionais:

Integra o colectivo Handcranked Films Projects.
Formou-se na Rhode Island School of Design, onde actualmente dá aulas, depois de já ter leccionado na Universidade de Harvard ou no Art Institute de Boston.
"In his work, Sousa uses animation and themes commonly found in mythology and fairy tales to examine archetypes of human nature, and the inner struggles between our intellects and our unconscious drives. Rather than following conventional narratives, he approaches filmmaking from a painter’s perspective. He focuses on states of mind, evoking the fragility of fleeting moments, memories and perceptions.
In 2003 he was awarded a Moving Image Fund production grant by the LEF Foundation to produce Fable (2005). In 2008 he was the recipient of a production grant from the Creative Capital Foundation for the new film, Feral.
In addition to his independent projects, Sousa has worked as a director and animator with Cartoon Network, Olive Jar Studios, Global Mechanic, and Duck. He is a founding member of Handcrankedfilm, a film makers' collective, along with Jeff Sias, Bryan Papciak, and Jake Mahaffy.
Sousa has taught at several colleges in the New England area, including Harvard University, The Museum School, and The Art Institute of Boston. Since 2001 has been teaching at the Rhode Island School of Design.

Participações [#6]