O Inquieto (2015)

As Mil e Uma Noites - Volume 1, O Inquieto


125 min


Realização:  ·  Miguel Gomes

Argumento:  ·  Mariana Ricardo  ·  Miguel Gomes  ·  Telmo Churro

No qual Xerazade dá conta das inquietantes maldições que se abatem sobre o país: “Oh venturoso Rei, fui sabedora de que num triste país entre os países, onde se sonha com sereias e baleias, o desemprego propaga-se. Em certos lugares, a floresta arde noite dentro apesar da chuva que cai; homens e mulheres anseiam por lançarem-se ao mar em pleno Inverno. Por vezes há animais que falam embora seja improvável que os escutem. Neste pais onde as coisas não são o que aparentam ser, os homens do poder passeiam-se em camelos e escondem uma permanente e vergonhosa ereção; aguardam pelo momento da colecta de impostos para poderem pagar a um certo feiticeiro que…”. E vendo despontar a manhã, Xerazade calou-se.

[In Portugal – one European country in crisis – a film director proposes to build fictional stories from the miserable reality he is immersed in. However, failing to find meaning in his work, he cowardly runs away and leaves the beautiful Scheherazade to stand in his shoes. She will require enthusiasm and courage so as not to bore the King with sad stories of this country! As nights go past, restlessness leads to desolation and in turn to enchantment. Therefore Scheherazade organises the stories she tells the King in three volumes. She begins like this: “It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that in a sad country among all countries…”.
Volume 1, The Restless One
In which Scheherazade tells of the restlessness that befell the country: “It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that in a sad country among all countries, where people dream of mermaids and whales, unemployment spreads. In certain places, forests burn into the night despite the falling rain; men and women long to set out to sea in the middle of Winter. Sometimes there are animals that talk although it is highly improbable that they are listened to. In this country, where things are not what they appear to be, men of power promenade on camels and hide permanent and shameful erections; they await the moment when taxes are collected so they can pay a certain wizard whom…”. And seeing the morning break, Scheherazade fell silent.]

Mais informações: Website externo

Videos [#1]:
  • [Trailer]

Imagens [#3]:
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Volume 1 da Trilogia - As Mil e Uma Noites
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