Jesus Por Um Dia (2012)

Jesus For A Day

Produção 2011

71 min


Realização:  ·  Verónica Castro  ·  Helena Inverno

Argumento:  ·  Verónica Castro  ·  Helena Inverno

O documentário segue de perto os prisioneiros duma cadeia transmontana, nos seus preparativos da encenação da Via Sacra desde os primeiros ensaios até ao dia da procissão, com todos os seus momentos solenes e surreais – um encontro entre condenados que comungam, real e simbolicamente, com uma comunidade rural.

[In a Trás-os-Montes jail, preparation starts for the Way of the Cross staging and the prisioners, as if they were students again, gather in the classroom to receive instructions. The documentary watches them since their first rehearsals until the procession, with a detailed insight into the process: the dramaturgy taken very seriously, the image of Jesus' wounds painted carefully, the making of the wooden crosses that close the film in a geometrical shot, the elderly witnessing the developments and singing about life and time never going back. The directors uses summary shots, filled with incisive, curious notes - a poster of Jesus Christ on a door, as if he was a celebrity to be embodied. The quietness of the countryside and the peaceful life of the rural community form a contrast with the latent tension, the uncertainty of the future and ensure the nostalgia of tradition. (Fonte: Ágata Pinho- indielisboa'12)]

Mais informações: Website externo

Videos [#1]:
  • [Trailer]

Imagens [#4]:
  • ...

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Dados Técnicos:
Cor | Stereo | HD |

Outras informações:
Festivais e Prémios :
# 2012 - Indielisboa , Competição Nacional