Imagens da Televisão Pública (199?)

Images of a Public Television

45 min


Realização:  ·  Manuela Martins

Se tivéssemos que definir esta televisão de 40 anos, chamada RTP, teríamos que dizer que sempre esteve ao serviço dos sucessivos governos que a controlaram.
Durante a ditadura foi um instrumento de propaganda do regime.
Após o 25 de Abril tornou-se uma "extensão do sistema ideológico do Estado".

[If we had to define this 40 year old called RTP, we would say it has always been most coveted and used by the successive governments holding its control. During dictatorship it was the tool of propaganda of the régime; past the 25th of April and, as defined by its then ruling President, it became the "extension of the State’s ideological system".

Still today, one of the greatest challenges faced by RTP is the imputation of a statute of recognised independence. Anyway, these 40 years mix up, for best and worse, with the past 40 years of the Portuguese history. As also stated by one of it’s Presidents at the time "since this is an ordinary country there is no reason for RTP to be an exception".

Let us then look at this country through RTP’s cameras with the programme "Images of a Public Televison" (RTP) - a coverage made by Manuela Martins.]
