Iterance (2014)

16m 24s

Curta-metragem   Filme de Escola  

Realização:  ·  Sérgio Miguel Silva

Argumento:  ·  Sérgio Miguel Silva  ·  Cornelia Iordache

Contemplar ruínas significa enfrentar em simultâneo o presente e o passado, e, de algum, modo ponderar o que poderá acontecer no futuro. Considerando a grande crise que atravessamos, que lições podemos retirar ao sermos confrontados com imagens destes lugares?

[Nowadays, we are facing a social and economic crisis with similar contours to the depression of the late 1920´s that preceded World War II. Considering that for Walter Benjamin ruins has allegorical value, it’s intended to start from the ruins and their memories to establish an analogy between past and present, questioning that way if we can be in a similar direction. Registering images and retrieving sounds that may have been characteristic of the ruins of Oporto and of Berlin, we try through a documentary give rise to a reflection where you question this possible relationship. For the establishment of this hypothesis we intend to develop two characters who narrate the different parts of the movie, one will feature a story in the period between wars and during the conflict of the second world war, the other speaks of his experience as a homeless person in the present and reflect on the current crisis.]

Mais informações: Website externo

Videos [#1]:
  • [Trailer]

Imagens [#2]:
  • ...

Dados Técnicos:
Cor | 16mm |

Outras informações:
Festivais e Prémios:
# 2015 - Encontros de Viana
# 2015 - Curtas Vila do Conde, selecção oficial
# 2015 - Caminhos do Cinema Português, Selecção Ensaios