Desassossego (2010)


20 min


Realização:  ·  Lorenzo Degl’Innocenti

Ivan trabalha numa charcutaria a vida inteira. Gostava de ter uma loja de móveis, mas não sabe se tem coragem para mudar. A charcutaria é uma velha herança de família que lhe pesa como o destino. Ele cumpre as mesmas rotinas todos os dias, atende os clientes com uma eficiência maquinal e, nos tempos livres, começa involuntariamente a desenhar móveis. À medida que o tempo passa, ele quer desenhar cada vez mais, mas os clientes impedem-no sempre. Quanto mais quer, menos consegue. Quanto menos consegue, mais frustrado fica. Ivan começa a projectar a sua insatisfação nos clientes até ao dia em que decide resolver o assunto...

[Ivan has worked has a butcher all his life. His dream is to have a furniture shop, but he isn’t sure he is brave enough to change now. The Butcher’s is an old family tradition and has been passed from generation to generation, and it weighs on Ivan like destiny itself. He has a daily routine: a machine-like costumer service, yet, on his free time, he starts to draw furniture involuntarily. As time goes by he wants to make more and more sketches but keeps getting interrupted by his costumers. The more he urges to draw, the more often he gets interrupted. The more he get interrupted, the more frustrated he becomes. Ivan starts to project his displeasure on his customers until the day he decides to solve the matter…]

Mais informações: Website externo

Videos [#1]:
  • [Trailer]

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